Inbox Zero

A while ago I picked up Merlin Mann’s (of 43 Folders fame) Inbox Zero philosophy and since, have been recommending it to friends. It’s a great way to deal with your daily load of email, still one of the biggest distractions in the digital life.

Storing Images with Oracle and Hibernate

All I wanted was to store images in the database through Hibernate. It all look so easy. Add a byte array property, add it as a binary type to the Hibernate mapping and off you go. So far so good. I’m developing with MySQL where everything worked the way it’s supposed to. Image data goes into the database and comes out when required, no problem.

Random Rails Links

Continuous Integration for Ruby and Rails

Due to some developers not so keen about running the tests I got back to my trusty friend Continuous Integration for a project I’m currently working on. Being a big fan of CruiseControl I looked for similar solutions for the Rails and Ruby market. There are several tools you can use, and they have several ups and downs.